

Virtual wards and remote monitoring tech added to Spark DPS

The Spark Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), run by the Crown Commercial Service, has been enhanced to include procurement of virtual wards and remote patient monitoring technology. With support from NHS England, four new areas have been added to the framework, to cover virtual wards, continuous monitoring support, long term condition (remote […]


Consultation opens for future plans of national IT systems

NHS England has opened a consultation for professionals across health and social care to input into future plans for national systems. The programme aims to understand what professionals need from the ‘Spine of the future’ and how technology can meet the current and future needs of patients, staff and citizens. As part […]


NHS Supply Chain publishes tender for commerce portal

NHS Supply Chain has opened a tender worth up to £10 million to procure a digital commerce portal. The opportunity aims to replace systems “over 30 years old” and introduce a single order and order management platform. NHS Supply Chain said it currently uses a range of systems for a […]


Join us for our EPR event on 21 February

Join HTN at our one-day online event focusing on electronic patient records! Taking place on 21 February, the event is open to all to attend – register for your free ticket now to discuss, discover and learn about the latest happenings in health tech. Through the event, a range of professionals […]


NHS England board meeting shares update on tech and data projects

Last week NHS England held a public board meeting at which key technology and data projects from NHS Transformation Directorate were discussed. An update on a range of programmes were shared, including the frontline digitisation programme, federated data platform, shared care records, patient access, waitlist management, and other areas. Electronic […]