This week, the HTN team joined the health tech community for a very interesting virtual HETT Show. During the week we attended the panel discussions and covered some of the themes and key discussion points: NHS digitalisation and the future role of NHS Digital; an interview with Sarah Wilkinson Integration […]
Whizz-Kidz charity and Somo launch new accessible website
The UK charity Whizz-Kidz, which supports young wheelchair users, has partnered with digital product agency Somo to launch a new accessible website. Hoping to achieve a ‘best-in-class digital experience’, the charity’s expanded online offering will include more content, such as 30 new videos and 30 audio interviews with wheelchair users. […]
Driving pathways to innovation; funding, standards and guidance
Thursday morning at the HETT Show took us onto the topic of ‘driving pathways to innovation’. This took the form of a panel discussion, which featured Piers Ricketts, Chief Executive of the Academic Health Science Network (AHSN), Eastern AHSN, as host. He was joined by: Chris Sawyer, Innovation Lead at […]
UCL report suggests online search activity can help predict COVID peaks
Online search data can help predict COVID-19 peaks and inform public health responses, according to experts from University College London (UCL). The report from UCL says web search activity data may help form predictions of peaks and surges in COVID-19 cases as far as 17 days in advance, on average. […]
Integration and interoperability; putting in place the mechanisms for sharing
On day three of the virtual HETT Show, a late morning panel focused on ‘Emerging Clinical Pathways in Integrated Care’. Topics on the table ranged from discussions on what it means to have structured data and how this can enable better care and continuity, through to implementing standards. The session […]
New review launched into use of health data for research and analysis
A new review into the safe use of health data for research and analysis has been launched by the Government. The review will support the development of a new Data Strategy for Health and Social Care, that was announced in November 2020. Following a report ‘Busting bureaucracy: empowering frontline staff […]
AI team at NHSX opens Dragon’s Den-style opportunity for innovators
The AI Lab team at NHSX has launched a call to find, fund and resource innovations to support the development of AI in health and care. The team are looking for innovations that solve operational and back-end processes, and highlight that the projects must have a clear problem statement or use case. […]
Exploring the mental health impact of Covid-19 on healthcare workers
This week at HETT Reset an interesting panel discussion focused on the impact the Covid-19 pandemic was having on the mental health of healthcare workers. The session, hosted by Heather Caudle, Asarebea Adi, Mark Radford, Lucy Warner and Aasha Cowey, discussed the platforms and services that had been made available […]
Addressing diversity and health inequalities alongside tech innovation
Part of the morning agenda, on a busy day two of HETT Reset, was a detailed panel discussion on how to address diversity and health inequalities alongside health tech innovation. The panel included, and was hosted by, Shera Chok, Co-Founder of the Shuri Network, Deputy Chief Medical Officer at NHS […]
Industry collaboration on usability standards; moving away from a one-size-fits-all model
On the first day of the HETT Show 2021, an afternoon panel of health tech and NHS digital brains tackled the topic of industry collaboration on usability standards. Areas covered on the agenda included user experience and uptake of services, co-ordinating real-world evidence and real-world users, improving the accessibility and […]