Following a hugely successful launch of the Awards last year, the 2018 Awards sees 9 new categories added to the line-up. The Awards celebrate great technology and innovation across health and care and aim to recognise where digital health has benefitted organisations, professionals, clinicians and patients. Healthcare technology makes a […]
New regional portal across North of Scotland
By early 2019, clinicians across the North of Scotland will have access to an integrated digital view of a patient’s health and social care data through a new web-based portal provided by Orion Health. Jointly commissioned by four boards in the North of Scotland, the new health and social care […]
Digital Health and BCS partner on a series of events
Digital Health and BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT have begun to collaborate on a series of events to further develop and raise the profile of health informatics leaders and digital health as an emerging profession and discipline. Digital Health and BCS are partnering on the development of a new […]
Three projects win Cancer Innovation Challenge funding
Three innovative projects have won up to £35,000 each from Cancer Innovation Challenge to demonstrate how insights gained from existing NHS Scotland data will be used to improve cancer patient care and outcomes in Scotland. All three successful projects have the potential to have a significant impact on cancer treatment […]
NHS England announces roadmap: empower the person
A new roadmap has been published by NHS England which illustrates projects that will help NHS patients take control of their health and care through access to digital tools. The new roadmap can be viewed here > The plans confirm a new app to provide secure access to online health services […]
Virgin Care sites pick Lexacom digital dictation
Virgin Care is working in partnership with Lexacom to improve systems and processes at Lyme Regis Medical Centre and at the admin-based Florence Nightingale Child Development Centre in Essex. The sites have now installed Lexacom digital dictation and speech recognition, which means clinicians and admin staff can now create and […]
Google and Flex develop cloud-based platform for medical devices
Google is partnering with connected products designer Flex on a cloud-based platform for medical device analytics. Designed by Flex and announced ahead of HIMSS, BrightInsight is a platform built on Google Cloud that can aggregate data and provide real-time information for connected medical devices. Kal Patel, senior vice president of […]
Second wave of NHS England test beds launched
NHS England and the Office for Life Sciences have launched a new competition to identify a second wave of ‘test beds’ that will allow organisations to apply for a share of up to £6 million in funding. The Test Beds programme is a joint programme between NHS England and government. It involves […]
HTN February 2018 Newsletter
In February we announced the Health Tech Awards 2018 in association with CCube Solutions are open for entries and we were delighted to launch with 12 great categories from Best Use of Data to User-led Innovation. We interviewed Hicom in a really interesting piece about them, their work and what the year […]
NHS Digital and techUk partnership to focus on 6 key themes
NHS Digital and techUK have outlined their view on the future challenges they need to tackle to accelerate their partnership and they have agreed six main areas to focus on in 2018. These include working with small and medium enterprises so that they might share in NHS and social care business […]