Search Results for "ireland"


HTN Now: combatting ransomware in healthcare with network detection and response technology

A recent HTN Now webinar saw Chad Holmes, security evangelist for healthcare-focused security company Cynerio, deliver a presentation on how healthcare organisations can combat ransomware with network detection and response (NDR) technology. Chad discussed some high-profile cyber attacks and their impacts, the limitations of current defences, and provided insight into […]

Global Interview

Interview: “There’s a lot of desire to see digital make a palpable difference to health outcomes in New Zealand” Ryl Jensen, CEO of Digital Health Association

We sat down for a chat with Ryl Jensen, CEO of the Digital Health Association (DHA), the peak advocacy body for the digital health sector in New Zealand. Ryl described the DHA as not-for-profit “conduit between government and industry” and explained how her team works closely with government to disseminate […]


Ambulance services report highlights need to be “better prepared for the emerging impacts of advancing technologies”

A report developed by the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives in partnership with NHS Providers and NHS Confederation has called for the “radical re-design” of urgent and emergency care and long-term planning and highlights the need to be “better prepared for the emerging impacts of advancing technologies”. Additionally, the report […]