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HTN Primary Care Awards – 7 February entry deadline
HTN AI and Data Awards 27 February entry deadline
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HTN Now Awards 2024/25: meet the winners!
The Reveal: HTN Now Finalists
Announcing… the Health Tech Awards 2024 winners!
The Reveal: Health Tech Awards 2024 Finalists
HTN Now Awards 2023/24: meet the winners!
The Reveal: HTN Now Awards 2024 Finalists
Health Tech Awards 2023: meet the winners!
HTN Awards 2022: meet the winners
ICS Index
Case Studies
ICS Index
Primary Care
NHS Trusts
Mental Health and Social Care
HTN Now Sessions
Cyber Security
AI and Data
Electronic Patient Records
Healthcare Cloud
Patient Flow and Virtual Care
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HTN International
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HTN Primary Care Awards – 7 February entry deadline
HTN AI and Data Awards 27 February entry deadline
Previous Awards
HTN Now Awards 2024/25: meet the winners!
The Reveal: HTN Now Finalists
Announcing… the Health Tech Awards 2024 winners!
The Reveal: Health Tech Awards 2024 Finalists
HTN Now Awards 2023/24: meet the winners!
The Reveal: HTN Now Awards 2024 Finalists
Health Tech Awards 2023: meet the winners!
HTN Awards 2022: meet the winners
ICS Index
Case Studies
Primary care access recovery plan in Devon: £19 million digital savings, “good” progress, and tackling variation
Neighbourhood health guidelines 2025/26 recognise population health management and care coordination tech
Panel discussion: Utilising data to transform primary care, support operational efficiencies, and improve outcomes
Celebrating excellence and innovation: announcing the HTN Primary Care Awards!
DHSC proposes requirement for GPs to ensure patients can contact their surgery via electronic communications
GP software supplier INPS “voluntarily places itself under administration”
Poll: Two years from now, how many GP clinical system (core electronic health record) suppliers do you think there will be?
900,000 increase in video/online appointments delivered in primary care
Introducing OX.General Practice …a robust, secure, modern GP practice clinical system
X-on Health and Hanley Consulting join forces to end the “8am Rush”
Case Study: Nightingale Practice celebrates a win for staff and patients, thanks to Apex
Announcing the HTN Primary Care Awards 2024!
Health secretary speech to Royal College of General Practitioners highlights data as “the future of the NHS”
Empowering healthcare through digital solutions by Max Gattlin: The deployment of EDATT Digital Assistant at Tudor Lodge
Huma acquires eConsult and launches Workspace platform for health systems
NHSE’s patient safety strategy for primary care shares digital commitments around culture and patient involvement
BMA confirms mandatory extraction of data on GP cloud-based telephony system usage
HTN Now panel discussion: GP Practice and PCN improvement through innovation in focus
NHS England to extend digital purchasing system for digitisation of Lloyd George records
Digital primary care: “Without data, you lack an evidenced understanding of a situation”
“It’s about asking how we can give clinicians back an hour of their day” HTN Now panel debate innovation in primary care
NHS Greater Manchester Board shares update on primary care blueprint, including digital telephony and access
Poll: What do you think should be the biggest priority for digital primary care?
British Medical Association sets out vision to rebuild general practice, with push towards public health data model
GP Patient Survey 2024 offers key insights into access to GP services and patient experiences
Healthtech-1 raises £2.7 million in seed funding for tech in primary care
NHSE shares update around new GP Connect Update Record functionality
Primary care sees increase in online/video GP appointments in spring
Panel discussion: new models of care and pathway transformation
Hanley Consulting appoints Dr Keith Grimes as chief digital health officer to support EDATT’s AI launch for primary care
Cheshire and Merseyside ICB highlights potential of tech in empowering patients in Access Improvement Plan
General practice guidance from NHS England focuses on using data to manage variation in demand and capacity
£48 million announced to fund capabilities relating to digital pathways, demand and capacity tools for ICBs
ICBs to pilot new ways of optimising primary care and further deliver on the Fuller Stocktake vision
“We are seeing general practice telephone queue times halving within six months” Max Gattlin and Sharon Hanley of Hanley Consulting
North London Mental Health Partnership announces move to single EPR
Health tech supplier announces ground-breaking strides in transforming primary care through technology
Digital Health and Care Wales 2024-2027 primary care strategy commits to building connectivity and research capability
2024/25 GP contract places focus on role of data from digital telephony systems
GP Connect integrated at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust