Primary care patients will be able to access new entries in their own GP records from April 2022, with NHS England (NHSE) now opening information and awareness sessions to help staff adapt to the changes. As HTN originally reported in November 2021, patients who use online accounts – such as […]
Tag: Data4
NHSE shares ICS case study on Population Health Management
NHS England (NHSE) has shared a new case study about how a Population Health Management (PHM) approach was able to help a primary care network offer extra support for a high-risk patient group with heart failure and social isolation. The Titan Primary Care Network (PCN), which is part of the […]
NHSX publishes standards roadmap for interoperability and care records
NHSX has revealed plans to develop and publish a new ‘standards roadmap’ for care record and interoperability standards in England. According to the organisation, the roadmap is set to provide support and include access to a ‘system-wide overview’ of the standards proposed, as well as opportunities to engage with the […]
UK Health Data Alliance publishes principles for forming Trusted Research Environments
The UK Health Data Alliance has published its principles and best practices for forming Trusted Research Environments (TRE), setting out an approach for data access for health research. The paper, entitled: ‘Building Trusted Research Environments – Principles and Best Practices; Towards TRE ecosystems’ outlines five principles to follow, each with itemised best practices. […]
Research study explores use of AI chatbots for health conditions
Researchers from the University of Westminster, with support from University College London (UCL), have published a new paper that explores the use of chatbots and virtual assistants for health conditions. The paper – entitled ‘Health chatbots acceptability moderated by perceived stigma and severity: a cross-sectional survey’ was published 8 December in […]
Cambridge University Hospitals signs 5-year deal with AI and data company
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH) and Sensyne Health, a clinical AI company, have announced a new five-year partnership which will focus on harnessing AI (artificial intelligence) and machine learning to ‘drive ethical research into better health care’. The partnership aims to utilise AI to search large de-identified datasets, […]
Researchers launch AI prostate cancer study
A new research study has launched to progress how artificial intelligence technologies can help predict whether prostate cancer may return for patients following treatment. Dr Anna Wilkins and Dr Erik Sahai, along with Prostate Cancer Research and partners, launched the study in June 2021, to explore whether computer modelling of cell migration […]
National consultation launched to draft 111 referral standard
A national survey has opened to gather feedback to support the development of a new 111 referral standard. The draft standard is said to be based on a project from 2018 that focused on urgent care information flows, and aims to review and develop a new standard to include “new information from […]
Video: North East and North Cumbria ICS shares its digital care programme and approach
In October, for HTN Now Focus, our online event for Integrated Care Systems, HTN welcomed Dr Mark Dornan, GP and co-chair at Newcastle Gateshead CCG and SRO for Digital Care Programmes at North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System (ICS), to the virtual stage. Dr Dornan shared North East […]
University Hospitals of North Midlands publish analysis used to develop prediction tool
Researchers from the University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust and Staffordshire University, have published a new report into their analysis of hospital admission data used to develop a predictive tool. The paper, entitled: ‘A predictive model for identifying patients at risk of delayed transfer of care: a retrospective, cross-sectional […]