Tag: Data4

Interview NP

Interview: “The multidisciplinary team approach has always been valued in healthcare, but I think it’s never been more important”, Sonam Vadera, speciality registrar in clinical radiology and fellow in clinical AI

For a recent HTN interview, we caught up with Dr Sonam Vadera, specialty registrar in clinical radiology at University Hospitals of Leicester and fellow in clinical artificial intelligence at the AI Centre for Value Based Healthcare in London. Sonam shared with us some insights and details around her current research, […]


NHS England Cancer Programme update for Spring 2024 highlights innovations and new technologies across early diagnosis, treatment, and performance

NHS England has published its latest Cancer Programme progress update for Spring 2024, highlighting innovations and new technologies in areas of work across early diagnosis, treatment and personalised care, and performance. Under early diagnosis, NHSE’s focus has been on “identifying innovative new approaches and exploiting new technology”, modernising screening programmes, […]

News NHS trust

NHS Medway clinical strategy highlights digital and data plans including frailty virtual ward and electronic pharmacy systems

Medway NHS Foundation Trust has published its clinical strategy for 2024 – 2027, mapping future clinical services and defining how the trust intends to “advance and innovate to provide the best possible healthcare services” for residents, including utilising digitally enabled care, AI in diagnostics and tech to support clinical pathways. […]


Scotland’s Genomic Medicine Strategy 2024-2029 highlights need for “secure, scalable digital infrastructure”

The Scottish Government has published Scotland’s Genomic Medicine Strategy 2024-2029, highlighting plans to develop a genomic medicine service “based on the principles of person-centred care” and better enabling the use of genomic information to support disease prevention and early detection, along with the need for national digital infrastructure. A number of […]

News Now

Panel discussion: the future of patient portals – “the decisions in design and technology implementation we take now, will critically impact the future of healthcare delivery”

For our latest HTN Now panel discussion, we were joined by Manzoor Ahmed, patient and public involvement leader at Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust; Adrian Byrne, ex-CIO of University Hospital Southampton Foundation Trust and ex-chair of the national CIO Network; and Dr Gege Gatt, CEO at EBO. Panellists discussed a […]