Tag: Editor

News Secondary Care

Video: Leicester’s Hospitals digital strategy and EPR programme

HTN Summit 2020 Day Two, we were joined by Paul Volkaerts, CEO at Nervecentre, Andy Carruthers, Chief Information Officer at Leicester’s Hospitals and Graeme Hall, Chief Pharmacy Information Officer at Leicester’s Hospitals, for a session focusing on the EPR programme at the trust. The session explored Leicester’s Hospitals digital strategy, including their EPR Programme, electronic prescribing and medicines administration system and […]


Video: Henrietta Mbeah-Bankas, Health Education England discusses digital capabilities

For Day Two of HTN Summit 2020, we welcomed Henrietta Mbeah-Bankas,  Head of Blended Learning and Digital Literacy Workstream Lead at Health Education England. Henrietta presented a session on ‘digital literacy’ and the importance of digital capabilities in the delivery of health and social care. Henrietta said: “Health Education England is embarking on a massive piece of work […]


Protect Scotland contact tracing app downloaded 600,000 times

Scotland’s COVID-19 contact tracing app launched yesterday on Apple’s App Store and Google Play. Since going live the app has been downloaded by 600,000 people as part of Test and Protect measures in Scotland. It uses Apple/Google technology similar to the app being trialled on the Isle of Wight, in Newham, […]

Secondary Care

Addenbrooke’s becomes UK first to offer new radiotherapy tech

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS FT has installed a new technology to support precision radiosurgery and radiotherapy for patients with cancer and other conditions at its Addenbrooke’s Hospital. The technology uses an advanced form of Surface Guided RadioTherapy (SGRT) and x-ray monitoring, combining 4D thermal-surface camera technology with real-time x-ray tracking, resulting […]

Secondary Care

Barts Health adopts AI for high risk colon cancer patients 

Barts Health NHS Trust has implemented an artificial intelligence platform to help identify and prioritise patients at high risk of developing colon cancer. The tool from Medial EarlySign is being used to identify patients most likely to benefit from further evaluation and intervention. The company said the algorithms help to identify patients by […]