Tag: HTNNow

News Now

Panel discussion: Successful NHS workforce transformation: Key factors for success, overcoming challenges, ensuring sustainable workforce transformation, and securing buy-in

For a HTN Now panel discussion, we were joined by expert panellists including Dr Penny Kechagioglou, CCIO and deputy CMO at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW); Stuart Dures, digital skills development manager at Greater Manchester Mental Health (GMMH); Dan Chilcott, client enablement director at Patchwork Health; and […]

News Now Primary Care News

Panel discussion: Utilising data to transform primary care, support operational efficiencies, and improve outcomes

For a recent HTN Now panel discussion, we were joined by a panel of experts from across the health sector to discuss how general practice, PCNs, and ICBs can utilise data and leverage technology to support operational efficiencies and improvements across primary care. Panellists included Kathryn Salt, assistant director of primary […]

News Now

Panel discussion: Digital in supporting NHS reform, modernising services, shifting from hospital to community, and supporting the move from reactive to proactive care

For a recent HTN Now webinar, we were joined by a panel of experts to discuss the role of digital in supporting NHS reform – modernising services, shifting from hospital to community, and supporting the move from reactive to proactive care. Panel members shared their insight and experience from a […]


HTN Now: South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust present an overview of their latest virtual reality project

For a recent HTN Now webinar, we welcomed Saj Kahrod, assistant director for the National Blueprinting Programme at NHS England; and Kelsey Dunning, resuscitation officer at South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust, and project lead for Enabling Effective Learning Environments: Digital Placement, Enhancement and Expansion with Virtual Reality. Saj […]