For the latest HTN Now Focus, we were joined by Jamie Innes, Product Director at Inhealthcare, a digital health technology provider, to tackle the topic of building ‘digital first’ Integrated Care Systems (ICSs). Areas covered in the live webcast, which you can catch up on via the video at the […]
Tag: HTNNow
Video: Infinity Health on practical tools to help ICSs coordinate care
Speaking at our latest HTN Now Focus event, which covered the topic of digital Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), the team from Infinity Health delivered a webcast dedicated to practical tools that can help ICSs coordinate care and connect with partners. Elliott Engers, CEO and Co-founder of Infinity Health, and Dr […]
Video: University Hospital Southampton NHS FT shares its digital strategy and ICS approach
Earlier this month as part of HTN Now, we welcomed Adrian Byrne, Chief Information Officer (CIO) at University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust (UHS) to reveal the organisation’s new digital strategy, and how it relates to its Integrated Care System. Adrian covered the wider goals that UHS has about the ICS landscape, […]
Video: Ideal Health on navigating ICS organisational maturity at HTN Now
Jonah Aburrow-Jones, Director of Consulting, Strategy and Digital Maturity of Ideal Health, joined us live for the second session of our HTN Now Focus event on the topic of Digital Integrated Care Systems. Using the slot to look at what can be done practically to help health tech professionals to […]
Video: Alcidion discuss digital solutions to support ICSs at HTN Now Focus
The first of our seven live sessions on the ‘Digital ICS’ theme at the latest HTN Now Focus, a series of one-day events that feature talks from health tech experts on specific topics, was a presentation by the team from the healthcare informatics company, Alcidion. The panel for the opening […]
Video: Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS FT’s learnings from its ‘big bang’ EPR roll-out
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (CHFT) presented at our most recent HTN Now event in September, sharing the learnings and experiences that the trust gained from its Cerner ‘big bang’ Electronic Patient Record (EPR) roll-out. For this webcast we were joined by Mr Graham Walsh, CHFT’s Chief Clinical Information […]
Video: NHSX explains what a good Blueprint looks like
As part of our most recent HTN Now series in September, we were joined by representatives from the NHSX Blueprint Steering Committee for a special live session on the digital Blueprinting Programme, which provides health and care staff with access to shared learning and resources. We’re continuing to recap the […]
Video: A closer look into CFHealthHub, a platform to improve care for those living with Cystic Fibrosis
For HTN Now September 2021, we welcomed Dr Pauline Whelan from the Digital Health Software Team at the University of Manchester for a session focused on its CFHealthHub, a platform that aims to improve care for those living with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Pauline started her presentation by providing a background […]
Video: Healthcare Gateway and SCW CSU explain how Connecting Care can benefit care homes and the justice system
Our closing webcast session for HTN Now September 2021 was a presentation by representatives from Healthcare Gateway and the South, Central and West (SCW) Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) – an NHS support and transformation service. Bringing our four-day live online event to a close with an in-depth look at the […]
Video: Inhealthcare explores how digital solutions can support recovery in elective care
As part of HTN Now September 2021, we were joined by Jamie Innes, Product Director at Inhealthcare, for a live discussion and presentation on how digital solutions can support recovery in elective care. As we continue to recap the sessions, through a series of write-ups and video releases, we next turn to this […]