Tag: virtual care


DHSC highlights importance of “appropriate digital systems” to support launch of Pharmacy First service in January 2024

The Department of Health and Social Care has announced that Pharmacy First, a service including seven new clinical pathways to replace the Community Pharmacy Consultation Service (CPCS), will be launched on January 31 2024 subject to appropriate digital systems being in place. In a letter to community pharmacy contractors, the […]

News NHS trust

University Hospitals of Leicester virtual wards connects with Pioneer Wound Healing and Lymphedema Centres

University Hospitals of Leicester has partnered with Independent Provider Pioneer Wound Healing and Lymphedema Centres to utilise virtual wards to prevent and treat pressure ulcers. It means hospital teams can upload images for assessment by Pioneer Health Consultants who can remotely access them and create a personalised prevention and treatment plan. The […]


Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS’s insight report highlights digital in delivery access and data in promoting capacity

Nottingham and Nottinghamshire integrated care system has published its insight report with the aim of providing the integrated care partnership with a summary of activities and findings from work across the ICS, with key findings highlighting the role of digital in delivering access, data in promoting capacity planning, and new technology […]

News NHS trust

Roadmap and priorities for Greater Manchester in new digital transformation strategy

Health Innovation Manchester has published The Greater Manchester Health and Care Digital Transformation Strategy on behalf of Greater Manchester NHS and social care partners, highlighting five key ambitions to deliver integrated, coordinated care; enable efficient and productive working; empower citizens; understand and act upon population health needs; and accelerate research […]


NHS England publishes 2023-2024 business plan with focus on digital

NHS England has published its business plan for 2023-2024, setting out plans to address challenges including health inequalities, access to primary care services, elective long waits and ambulance response, as well as highlighting the intention to “transform care through harnessing data, information and technology”. The new business plan incorporates actions […]


Health tech assessment recommends virtual ward technologies for acute respiratory infections

The Health Technology Assessment Innovation Laboratory programme at NICE has conducted an early value assessment to support and inform the expansion of virtual ward provision and other intermediate care areas. The draft guidance highlights recommendations on virtual ward technologies for monitoring patients with an acute respiratory infection (ARI) from their own […]