The Health Foundation has released results from a survey of 7,100 members of the public and 1,250 NHS staff members which focused on exploring opinions on virtual wards and “what factors will be important for making sure they work well”, with findings revealing that the UK public “is, overall, supportive […]
Tag: virtual care
Digital primary care panel: “Getting the basics right and keeping it simple are the underpinning principles”
For our recent panel discussion on digital primary care, we were joined by Nikki Mallinder (director of primary care at Surrey Heartlands ICS); Dr Paul Wright, (GP, deputy clinical director/IT clinical lead at NHS Greater Manchester and CCIO at Manchester and Trafford Local Care Organisation); Jamie Innes (product director at Inhealthcare); […]
South West London’s new mental health strategy looks to “better co-ordinate digital initiatives across the ICS”
A new mental health strategy from South West London ICB has been released, highlighting plans to utilise digital tools and services to meet the needs of local communities and “better co-ordinate digital initiatives across the ICS to ensure a joined-up approach”. The mental health strategy will link with the wider […]
Amazon Clinic expands virtual consultations across the United States
Amazon has expanded their “virtual health care marketplace” Amazon Clinic across the United States, supporting customers to access virtual consultations for more than 30 common health concerns through Amazon’s website or app. Video visits are now supported nationwide, in addition to message-based consultations which are available in 34 states. According […]
HealthTrust Europe to establish framework agreement for additional capacity planning services including remote monitoring and virtual care
HealthTrust Europe LLP, on behalf on Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, is looking to establish a framework agreement worth an estimated £8,250 million, for the supply of additional capacity planning services including virtual consultations and remote patient monitoring. The virtual consultation lot highlights a need for tenderers to […]
Deep dive: digital transformation and change in Derbyshire, Northamptonshire and Sussex
Let’s take a look at the role that digital transformation and change take in three recently released strategies from integrated care systems. We’ll explore key areas of focus in the integrated care strategy from Derby and Derbyshire ICS along with Northamptonshire ICS’s five-year forward plan, both released last month, along […]
Poll: if you could solve one challenge in health and care, what would the priority be in the short-term?
The latest poll we posed to our health tech audience asked our followers about which challenge in health and care they thought should be a priority in the short-term. Over the six days that the poll was live, we have received 58 votes from participants from a wide range of […]
Northern Care Alliance NHS to develop app to predict and prevent patient safety incidents
The Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust has announced that work has started to develop an AI-driven app to predict and prevent “patient safety incidents” for those recovering from brain injury or other brain conditions. Recognising the challenges that these types of conditions can pose, the Northern Care Alliance’s Salford […]