Month: November 2020

News Voice

National Record Locator programme; a feature by NHS Digital

By Jon Calpin, Programme Manager for the National Record Locator, NHS Digital NHS Digital’s Programme Manager for the National Record Locator, Jon Calpin, discusses how a pilot with London Ambulance Service has proven that interoperability of NHS systems can be achieved and how this benefits organisations, with Jo Clark from […]

Secondary Care

Guy’s and St Thomas’ picks Epic

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS FT has announced a new partnership with Epic to implement a new single integrated electronic health record system across the organisation. The electronic patient record is planned to go live in April 2023, and the trust will also work with Epic to deploy its patient portal. […]

Secondary Care

Leeds Teaching goes live with Sectra for pathology

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has gone live with the picture archiving and communication system (PACS) from Sectra for pathology services. The trust becomes the first of an initial six trusts in the Northern Pathology Imaging Co-operative to deploy the solution as part of a digital pathology initiative across the region. […]

Secondary Care

HTN Trends Series: EPR Trends in the UK

By David Kwo, Dr Nick Beard, Dr Fortunato Castillo, Jagdip Grewal, Dr Alec Price-Forbes [i] Trends in electronic patient record systems (EPRs) deployment in UK and US hospitals, where EPRs are used across care-settings, have potentially significant implications for Integrated Care Systems (ICSs). What types of EPRs are there? There […]


Online clinic launched for patients living with persistent pain

A group of healthcare professionals within the NHS are launching the UK’s first Care Quality Commission registered online clinic, Leva Clinic, for patients living with persistent pain.  A three-month trial is expected to start this year with a London-based NHS Trust to support adults access a multi-disciplinary team of clinical psychologists, doctors, […]

Secondary Care

NHSX forms Centre for Improving Data Collaboration

NHSX has launched a new working group to support healthcare teams and industry develop data partnerships. The Centre for Improving Data Collaboration has been created to provide advice and support to help drive data driven innovations and accelerate work where necessary. The group has been formed to help healthcare teams find […]


The London Clinic adopts artificial intelligence for colonoscopy

The London Clinic has introduced an artificial intelligence device to act as a second observer during colonoscopies. The GI Genius™ device uses artificial intelligence to analyse the video stream during colonoscopy to highlight the presence of pre-cancerous lesions. The Clinic said they introduced the tool to help to assist doctors identify lesions and […]


Moorfields launches tender to develop user-first digital service

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has opened a new tender to find a partner to develop its user-first digital service. £457,000 is being made available over 2 years to re-structure and re-build Moorfield’s digital landscape using a user-first, content-first approach. The specialist eye hospital plans to develop its digital offering, […]