A roadmap for the NHS UK website has been published following a period of collaboration between product managers and stakeholders, to provide insight on current and future developments. Four main objectives are shared for nhs.uk in 2023/24, focused on maintaining and improving the existing service whilst making it more efficient […]
Month: April 2023
Mid Cheshire Hospitals and Canon highlight impact of community diagnostic centre
A new patient pathway at Victoria Infirmary, Northwich, has seen 2,000 outpatient, follow-up or high-risk query CT scans delivered in nine months through its community diagnostic centre (CDC). Through a project with Canon Medical Systems, a modular CT building was created in five months, to act as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for […]
“The whole point of doing this is to do it big” Rachel Binks of Airedale NHS, on remote monitoring at scale
Last week at HTN Now, we held a series of webinars focusing on different health tech topics. In one of our sessions, we were joined by Rachel Binks, nurse consultant and clinical lead for digital and acute care at NHS Airedale Hub, for a presentation on digital innovations and remote monitoring […]
What’s happening in digital and data across the East of England?
What’s happening in digital and data across the East of England? Following on from our two recent features exploring the role of digital and data in integrated care systems across the Midlands, and across the North East and Yorkshire, we’re moving on to explore health tech in the East of […]
Blog: What should be top of mind for the new NHS CIO?
By Highland Marketing The NHS is looking for a new chief information officer, and the Highland Marketing advisory board has been considering what should be on his or her ‘to do’ list. Following the merger of NHSX and NHS Digital with the NHS England transformation directorate, and the departure of […]
BT launches virtual ward programme
BT has announced the launch of a new virtual wards programme which will see them partner with health tech specialists offering solutions for virtual wards and virtual care. A range of suppliers will be partnering with BT, from suppliers of smart devices that monitor health conditions such as COPD and heart […]
Paediatric inpatient documents to go digital in Wales
The Welsh Nursing Care Record (WNCR) is set to include inpatient paediatric notes as part of its third phase. Following the launch of the WNCR in April 2021, children’s documentation is to go digital with £1.8m funding support from the Welsh Government’s Digital Priorities Investment Fund. Phase one and two of the […]
Imperial College London on establishing a vision for health data to improve patient care
A white paper entitled ‘NHS data: Maximising its impact on the health and wealth of the United Kingdom’ has been published by Imperial College London’s Institute of Global Health Innovation. The document is intended to “create a first step towards establishing a vision, strategic framework and underlying principles to underpin […]
PRSB’s diabetes record information standard awarded ‘mandatory’ status
The Data Alliance Partnership Board has approved a new diabetes record information standard, recommended by The Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB). PRSB was tasked by NHS England to develop a standard information requirement specification, to ensure health and care teams have the information to advise and support a person with diabetes […]
£19 million awarded to develop NHS Spine platform
NHS England has awarded a £19 million contract to Aire Logic Limited, to develop an open platform for NHS Spine services. Through a four-year deal, the supplier will establish a “new, more open platform” that includes migrating existing services of the current NHS Spine platform. The programme will see the […]