Month: April 2023


HTN Now: Vijay Magon on building a patient centric record

Recently at HTN, we had the pleasure once again of speaking with Vijay Magon from CCube Solutions, who gave a thought-provoking presentation on EDRMS, talking us through the software and how this can benefit other systems. Vijay provided a high-level overview of the three key functions of electronic document records […]

Now Video

Shifting the paradigm from technology for organisations to technology for people – Dr Penny Kechagioglou, Lee Rickles and Paul Deffley on patient flow and virtual care

For our panel on virtual care and patient flow, we welcomed Dr Penny Kechagioglou (chief clinical information officer and deputy chief medical officer at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire); Lee Rickles (chief information officer at Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust); and Paul Deffley (UK chief medical officer for Alcidion). The […]


NHS Grampian launches innovation initiative

NHS Grampian and InnoScot Health have launched an initiative to encourage innovative ideas from staff. Through an innovation competition for NHS Grampian staff, the health board aims to inspire its workforce to submit their ideas to improve patient care. The competition hopes to “stimulate innovative thinking and problem solving while laying a platform […]

Interview NP

“I thought: there’s got to be a better way” Roger Flint on developing SPOT, the Safer Prescription of Opioids Tool, and the Harvard Health Tech Fellowship

For our latest interview, we spoke to Roger Flint. Roger is a Scottish GP trainee and is currently working at Harvard University Medical School in Boston as a Harvard Health Tech Fellow. In addition, he is the CEO and founder of SPOT, the Safer Prescription of Opioids Tool. Roger chatted […]

News News in Brief

News in brief: digital prehabilitation service, data quality team recruitment in Doncaster, remote monitoring for cancer patients and more

As usual, over the past days there have been many exciting new stories in the health tech community. In this article, we explore some of the main stories from across the country that caught our attention. Digital prehabilitation for head and neck cancer patients  A new pilot project offering digital prehabilitation […]