Month: July 2023


“Major issues” with frontline digitisation programme and GP IT Futures programme government projects report

The latest annual report on the Government Major Projects Portfolio from the Infrastructure and Projects Authority has been published, with insights including an update that the previously established deadline of March 2025 for every NHS trust to reach a core level digitisation and capability “appears to be unachievable”. Of the eight […]


NHS England to launch digital tobacco apps framework

NHS England has opened a procurement programme worth up to £25 million to develop a National Digital Tobacco Treatment Service Framework. The programme aims to provide adult smokers (aged 18 years and older) in England access to one or more digital tobacco dependency applications. It aims to support existing treatment services […]


University Hospitals Sussex opens EPR early market engagement

University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust has started an early market engagement phase as part of its electronic patient records solution procurement. The trust plans to procure a modular EPR to meet the minimum digital foundation requirements as part of the national frontline digitisation programme and to support its own strategic […]


“The reduced burden of logging in is massive with single sign-on” County Durham and Darlington NHS Trust and Imprivata on mobility workflows

This week we hosted a webinar on driving innovation and digital adoption in the NHS, in which we were joined by Emma Arrowsmith, digital matron at County Durham and Darlington NHS Trust, and Daniel Johnston, who works as senior clinical workflow specialist and clinical safety officer at Imprivata in addition […]