News, NHS trust

Barts Health NHS Trust to procure site-wide patient monitoring system

Barts Health NHS Trust has published a prior information notice highlighting plans to procure a site-wide, real-time system for the monitoring of vital signs at St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London.

With a trust-wide solution for intermittent vital signs monitoring already in place, Barts Health will seek a solution offering “comprehensive multi-parameter monitoring” which should include ECG; multiple invasive pressures; non-invasive blood pressure; plethysmography; expired gas analysis; cardiac output; neuromuscular blockade; depth of anaesthesia; and tissue saturations. It should help to ensure smooth patient transitions between wards; offer timely deterioration alerts; integrate data into information systems; and support patient mobility through the recovery process.

At present, Barts aims to evaluate the existing market to develop understanding of current capabilities and supplier interest.

For more information, please click here.

Also from Barts

In May, we reported on the current use of tech at Barts Health to help identify deteriorating patients, following an injection of £4.4 million in funding from Barts Charity.

April saw HTN cover news of a teledermatology pilot at Barts which reportedly led to around 94 percent of people with suspected skin cancer being seen within two weeks at Whipps Cross Hospital, an increase from an average of 62 percent in 2022.

And late last year, Barts shared a view of future possibilities for the trust through an interactive workshop examining the “hospital of the future”, which saw staff coming together to discuss service transformation.

Other procurement opportunities

Last week, we highlighted a procurement notice from NHS England focusing on plans to extend the existing digital purchasing system (DPS) to support in digitising Lloyd George records in GP practices, with “suitably experienced and qualified suppliers” invited to join the DPS until August 2026.

HTN also noted how NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership Procurement Services seeks expressions of interest from industry partners to help shape a “comprehensive” commercialisation strategy and delivery model for Wales, aiming to help realise commercial value from NHS innovation activities.

Also from Wales, we reported on a prior information notice for a software solution to extract patient data from GP systems for secondary uses and direct care purposes.

And South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust recently opened an opportunity for early engagement around the procurement of an electronic medicines tracking system, hoped to eliminate reliance on paper-based processes, reduce corporate risk, generate cost savings and enhance efficiency.