Author: HTN


Winning projects selected for share of £17m

Winning projects have today been announced that will collectively receive over £17 million funding following a government competition to support health tech. A GPS app to track where porters and available beds are in hospitals, 3D printing technology for tablets and smartphone apps to monitor and improve treatment of long-term […]

Primary Care News

Leeds goes live with GP Connect

GP practices and clinical staff in Leeds can share and view authorised information and data between IT systems, quickly and efficiently, using GP Connect. GP Connect is an NHS Digital led programme, connecting health and care data and supporting clinical staff by making medical information held within the patient’s GP […]


Next generation of high-growth health SMEs unveiled

Five NHS digital health accelerators launch across England this month, as part of the largest push yet to rapidly increase the speed of digital health products take up in the NHS. Following a highly competitive process, 34 companies have been selected as some of the highest potential and best-placed to […]


Co-op ventures into healthcare market with acquisition of Dimec

The Co-op has announced the acquisition of Dimec, a healthcare technology start-up, which has developed a unique digital solution that enables patients and their GPs to interact and better manage their prescription needs. Dimec has been acquired for an undisclosed sum by Co-op Ventures, the new innovation unit established to […]


Ingenica Solutions raises £4 million in Series A Funding

Ingenica Solutions has announced that it has successfully raised £4 million in Series A Funding following an over-subscribed investment round. Alongside significant commitments from existing investors, Ingenica Solutions has secured investment from funds associated with CJM Ventures, LLC. CJM Ventures, LLC is a US based private equity firm that has […]