As we edge closer and closer to 2020, a target for the NHS to be paperless that was set in the recent Five Year Forward View, we spoke with industry expects to find out about the challenges, progress and some of the solutions available to help organisations achieve this target. In […]
Author: HTN
New support for HSLI funding announced by health integration experts
New support by health and social IT integration experts ReStart Consulting, has been announced to support Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) shape their pressing detailed plans for Health System Led Investment (HSLI) funding. Applications for a share of the £412.5m funding pot fall under extremely tight timescales, with STPs required […]
Setting care transfers on FHIR
From October, NHS hospitals are expected to use the new Transfer of Care standard to compile discharge summaries and clinic letters for GPs. NHS Digital has said these will be sent using FHIR messages directly into GP systems. Orion Health experts Dr David Hay and Anne O’Hanlon explain what this […]
First digital screening template for homeless people
A UK charity has introduced the first dedicated digital health-screening template for homeless people – enabling hospitals to better care for the estimated 4,700 people sleeping rough on UK streets. The homeless health charity Pathway developed the template in partnership with EMIS Health, working together with 11 specialist homeless healthcare […]
NHS SBS launches innovative payroll app to benefit NHS employees
A new app that allows NHS employees to view their payslips on any mobile device and answers pay-related queries via chatbot technology has been launched by NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS). MySBSPay provides around 400,000 employees – working at around 100 organisations (including provider trusts, CCGs and arm’s length […]
HTN 100: Agile Working at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and Supply chain management in Somerset
HTN 100 is a 100 word challenge to help share health tech projects and learnings. In 100 words we want to hear about the technology you are using, the benefits, successes and tips. HTN 100 will be published every Friday! To participate email Agile Working at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Richard Matt, Associate Director, […]
PRSB publishes new standard for digital clinical referral information
The Professional Record Standards Body has published a new standard for sharing clinical referral information, which will help to reduce avoidable referrals, speed up treatment times and make care better and safer for patients. Referrals to hospital are increasing as more people continue to live longer with a range of […]
Digital maternity notes at Epsom and St Helier
Pregnant women being cared for by Epsom and St Helier hospitals are now able to access all of their maternity medical notes, including details of any blood test results and reminders about their appointments (and soon, their scan reports), through a secure digital record that is available as an app. […]
HTN partners with eGPlearning
To support the sharing of health tech news and insight we are delighted to have sponsored eGPlearning a Podblast series to help clinicians and patients learn and understand about health technology and the implications for UK primary care and health care. The eGPlearning podblast is cohosted by Dr Hussain Gandhi […]
Greater Manchester and Shaping Cloud to identify cloud strategy
Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSC Partnership) and IT specialists Shaping Cloud is undertaking an ‘asset review’ that will baseline current infrastructure used across 20 NHS and local government organisations involved in the GMHSC Partnership. This review aims to identify what software applications are in use across the region […]