Author: HTN

Secondary Care

SBRI Healthcare supports surgeons with novel technology 

SBRI Healthcare, the NHS England funded initiative championed by the AHSN Network has announced five companies will receive funding to develop novel technologies with potential to help complete surgical procedures more effectively and with higher efficiency. Under the overall theme of Technology in Surgery, innovations were sought in two categories; […]

Blogs Featured

Highland Marketing: Foot on the accelerator

In her latest blog on how marketing and PR can support the sales funnel, Becky Mellor talks to Highland Marketing chief executive Mark Venables about the role of sales acceleration. What is it, how does it work, why do you still need content, and where does it fit in the mix? Becky: Over […]

Secondary Care

Cambio wins Coventry and Warwickshire PFM contract

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust has finalised a five-year contract with Cambio Healthcare Systems for a patient flow management (PFM) system in a move to improve hospital efficiency and care quality. Won in open tender, the deal will see Cambio’s PFM rolled out across all mental health inpatient sites in […]


Digital Surgery deploys surgical artificial intelligence system

Digital Surgery has announced it has developed and demonstrated the world’s first real-time, dynamic artificial intelligence (AI) system designed for the operating room (OR). The company is building the data to power the future of surgery through its surgical procedure road maps, which aim to aid the surgical team in the […]


Opinion Piece: Ruairidh Barlow, MyTherapy

With the rapid advance of smartphone technology, and their seemingly universal use, all around the world people are working out how to best take advantage of it. Never before have we had the chance to access so many people so easily. Which, in a sector like healthcare, and even more so with public […]