Author: HTN

Secondary Care

Isle of Man achieves paperless digital milestone

IMMJ’s Systems’ electronic document management system is now integrated with the Medway patient administration and electronic patient record system. The integration is part of a digitisation programme for Noble’s Hospital and the Island’s care services designed to increase efficiency and deliver enhanced patient care, itself a wider part of the […]


NHS Digital launches interactive tool

A new interactive dashboard is set to provide new insight into cervical screening coverage to help GPs and health organisations improve cervical screening rates. It is hoped that the interactive dashboard will help identify areas where screening levels could be improved and encourage work to boost coverage. The dashboard will […]

Primary Care News

FBD OptimiseRx helps to drive £1.7 million underspend

NHS Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale CCG is using patient-specific prescribing decision support from FDB OptimiseRx to support the appropriate use of medicines, and to disseminate local prescribing information and recommendations on medicines choices that has been developed by the Greater Manchester Medicines Management Group (GMMMG). A particular focus of NHS […]

Secondary Care

Silverlink wins new CaptureFertility contract in Aberdeen

Silverlink Software has been successfully awarded a new contract to rollout their next generation fertility solution, CaptureFertility, to the Aberdeen Fertility Centre. The Aberdeen Fertility Centre was founded in 1985 to initially provide donor insemination treatment within the North East of Scotland. The Centre has since grown substantially to provide a […]


Project unveils 25 years of lifestyle changes

A new tool shows how people in England’s smoking, drinking and healthy eating habits have changed over the past 25 years, in a new, easy to understand, format. Statistics on how many of us are overweight, obese or still lighting up cigarettes can now be compared from the early 1990s […]