Author: HTN


Summary Care Record reaches 100,000 views in a week

The Summary Care Record, an application which enables clinical staff to see potentially life-saving information has hit a milestone 100,000 views this week, according to NHS Digital. First launched in October 2010, the Summary Care Record (SCR) is an electronic record of important patient information, created from GP medical records. […]

Apps News

New app helping to improve patient care

A new app which detects early signs of kidney failure is now being used to improve care for some of the Royal Free’s most vulnerable patients. Using an instant alert system, the app, known as Streams, directs clinicians to patients who are at risk of or who have developed a […]


Aegon UK calls for doctors to embrace electronic reporting

Aegon UK calls for doctors to use electronic reporting when submitting medical evidence, to enable people to get the financial protection they need in place as quickly and smoothly as possible. Aegon reveals it has been working with Niche Health’s iGPR proposition for the last year to pilot electronic GP […]

Secondary Care

NHS Digital selects Redcentric

Leading UK IT managed services provider Redcentric has announced one of its most significant public sector wins to date, with the award of the new Peering Exchange contract which forms the core of the new Health and Social Care Network (HSCN). NHS Digital has selected Redcentric on an initial three-year […]

Secondary Care

West Mid Hospital pilots new innovative technology

West Middlesex University Hospital is one of few in the country to be first to trial a new technology on their general wards that could potentially save future lives. This technology is a wireless monitoring system of patient’s vital signs providing medical professionals with real time information about patient’s heart […]