Northamptonshire ICS has shared an update on their work to develop the Integrated Care Northamptonshire Elective Care Collaborative, bringing together the organisations involved in planning care with the aim of improving health outcomes through working together in a patient-centred approach. This will be achieved through transforming service delivery to focus on […]
Author: HTN
Black Country Pathology Services adopts ‘big bang’ laboratory information system deployment
Black Country Pathology Services has taken a ‘big bang‘ approach to upgrade the laboratory information system and order communications and results reporting at its Dudley Lab. The service has built a pathology hub in Wolverhampton and developed four essential services laboratories at The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS […]
NHSE Chief Commercial Officer “collaboration with suppliers is critical to delivering more value”
Jacqui Rock, Chief Commercial Officer for NHS England, has published a blog on how collaboration with suppliers is “critical to delivering more value and efficiencies for taxpayers”. Highlighting that the NHS procures over £30 billion of goods and services each year from over 80,000 suppliers, she adds that she has […]
Care homes connect to London Care Record
Nine care homes in North East London have connected to the London Care Record, to provide access to information on allergies, test results and care plans as well as GP data and hospital discharge summaries. The London Care Record brings together local sharing systems from each of London’s five Integrated Care Systems, […]
AI deployment engine goes open source
The Artificial Intelligence Centre for Value Based Healthcare, a programme led by King’s College London and Guy’s and Thomas’ NHS FT, has made the code for its AI Deployment Engine (AIDE) available through open source on GitHub. Formed in 2019, The AI Centre works alongside 10 NHS trusts, four universities, industry partners including Siemens Healthineers, NVIDIA, IBM, GSK, […]
HTN Now: Professor Ann John on DATAMIND and harnessing mental health data to transform lives
As part of HTN Now: Digital Social Care and Mental Health, we hosted a webinar with Professor Ann John from Swansea University, discussing DATAMIND, Health Data Research UK’s Hub for Mental Health Informatics Research Development. The session began with Ann explaining how a common way to communicate and express findings […]
NHS AI Lab calls for artificial intelligence proof of concept projects
A specialist artificial intelligence team, part of the NHS Transformation Directorate, has opened a call for applications to join a proof of concept programme. The NHS AI Lab Skunkworks team are seeking to develop a new round of projects where artificial intelligence (AI) tools can be applied to solve problems in […]
NHS Scotland launches national digital platform for health and care
The Scottish government has launched a National Digital Platform for apps and digital services in health and social care. Designed and delivered by NHS Education for Scotland along with partners from across health and social care, it’s said to provide standard infrastructure and components for digital tools to be built on […]
Epic partners with records standards body PRSB
Epic, the electronic health record supplier, has joined the Professional Records Standards Body (PRSB) supplier partnership scheme. The move is said to support PRSB’s drive towards international standards and interoperability and to support PRSB to work with trusts using Epic to understand which standards are most important to them. Epic […]
Join us for our last events of 2022
Here at HTN we run a regular series of online events called HTN Now, through which we share webinars, features, thought leadership and more across a variety of health tech topics. For the remaining weeks of 2022 we have three events left that are open to all to attend, focusing […]