A research study published in Sage Digital Health journal aimed to deliver an intervention to improve health awareness for infection prevention, hygiene, and sanitation to assess its impact, and identify the risk of multimorbidity in women of reproductive years from low socio-economic background. The digital health intervention in Pakistan demonstrated the value […]
Deep dive: community pharmacy and dentistry in digital focus
The Fuller stocktake, published last summer, stated that engagement activities for the purposes of the report “heard very clearly” that the wider primary care team “could be much more effectively harnessed” to support patient access to primary care, with community pharmacy and dentistry noted as particular examples. A year on […]
Deep dive: digital transformation and change in Derbyshire, Northamptonshire and Sussex
Let’s take a look at the role that digital transformation and change take in three recently released strategies from integrated care systems. We’ll explore key areas of focus in the integrated care strategy from Derby and Derbyshire ICS along with Northamptonshire ICS’s five-year forward plan, both released last month, along […]
Virtual wards, improved data use and standardisation take focus in first NHS Impact programme
The first of the NHS Impact programmes to be launched as part of an “opportunity for systems and their providers to engage in a customised improvement programme” sees NHS England share an online ‘maturity matrix’ to enable organisations to conduct self-assessment of services; a programme-specific website providing resources and guidance; […]
Deep dive: what does ‘good’ look like in digital primary care?
What does “good” look like in digital primary care? Join us as we take a deep dive into digital primary care, exploring examples of best practice, challenges and how they could be tackled, and industry viewpoints on what ‘good’ looks like. We’ll take a look at some of the latest […]
Study explores reliability of medical information provided by ChatGPT
A study published in the National Library of Medicine has assessed the reliability of medical information provided by ChatGPT, finding that the AI software scored well on description of condition, problems, symptoms or treatments, but scored low for quality of information – though overall comparable to static internet information. The […]
Patient-facing tech: exploring the NHS App, electronic comms and remote monitoring
In our latest feature we cover some of the recent developments in patient-facing tech, and how they are impacting service delivery, patient engagement, patient-provider relationships and equitable access in the realms of health and care. Earlier this month at London Tech Week, Lord Markham shared planned updates for the NHS […]