

Interview: Peter van Ooijen – professor of AI in Radiotherapy, coordinator of Machine Learning Lab at University Medical Center Groningen

We caught up with Peter van Ooijen – professor of AI in Radiotherapy and coordinator of the Machine Learning Lab at University Medical Center Groningen, and former president of the European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics (EuSoMII) – for a recent interview, to talk about new technologies and future directions […]

Interview NP

Interview: Matt Connor, group chief digital information officer for University Hospitals of Liverpool Group

HTN caught up with Matt Connor, group chief digital information officer for University Hospitals of Liverpool Group, consisting of Liverpool University Hospitals Trust and Liverpool Women’s and spanning multiple hospital sites. Matt shared insight into the importance of having a cohesive strategy for digital and his views on cyber security […]

Interview News NP

Interview: “We’re rearchitecting Australia’s entire digital health ecosystem” – Peter O’Halloran, chief digital officer at the Australian Digital Health Agency

For a recent interview, we caught up with Peter O’Halloran, Chief Digital Officer at the Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency), to learn more about current projects and priorities, what’s in the pipeline for digital and data across the next five years, progress toward Australia’s National Digital Health Strategy, and […]

Interview News

Interview: “We really place the emphasis on clinically-led change” – Neill Crump, digital strategy director at Dudley Group NHS FT

For our latest interview, we caught up with Neill Crump, digital strategy director at Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, for a chat about the digital methods undertaken by the Dudley Group and what these mean in practice; his belief in collaborative working and professional development; and the importance of personalising […]

International Interview News

Interview: Dr Nojus Saad, president and CEO of Youth For Women Foundation and MENA digital healthcare researcher

For a recent interview, we caught up with Dr Nojus Saad, president and CEO of the Youth For Women Foundation, France, and MENA digital healthcare researcher and ambassador. Nojus shared his experiences in digital healthcare spanning countries including France, Iraq, and India. As a medical doctor with an MBChB (Bachelor […]


Video interview: Sajid Azeb, chief operating officer and deputy chief executive at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS FT on its Command Centre

Like many organisations across the NHS, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTHFT) has faced pressures on its emergency department, constraints on bed capacity and patient flow, and challenges with its non-elective care pathway. Without clear insights about patient and ward circumstances during the admissions and transfer processes, patients weren’t […]