
Interview News Primary Care News

Interview: “It’s time we brought IT innovation into the NHS”, GP and NHSE deputy chief medical information officer Dr Rajkumar A Shanmugam

We recently had the opportunity to catch up with Dr Rajkumar A Shanmugam (Raj), a general practitioner and head of the practice team at the Eric Moore Partnership in Warrington. Raj is also NHS England’s deputy chief medical information officer and chair of the NHS Clinical Leaders Network. Raj shared […]

Interview Primary Care News

Interview: “Involve everybody”, Clare Gallagher, project manager for social prescribing, Digital First at NHS North West London ICB

We recently had the opportunity to speak to Clare Gallagher, project manager for social prescribing in the Digital First team at NHS North West London ICB. Clare chatted with us about ongoing digital projects and programmes in NW London, as well as sharing insights into successful digital social prescribing and […]

Global Interview

Interview: “A big focus has been around creating and embedding a digital culture of change” Aislinn Gannon, Ireland’s Health Service Executive

We had the opportunity to speak with Aislinn Gannon, general manager for digital health at Ireland’s Health Service Executive, on her experience with digital health programmes, and her perspectives on the future of tech in health. We started out by asking Aislinn to tell us a little bit about herself […]

Interview NP

Interview: Keltie Jamieson, CIO at Bermuda Hospitals Board

Today HTN goes international! And we’re pleased to share our interview with Keltie Jamieson, chief hospital information officer for Bermuda Hospitals Board. Keltie discussed her career path through digital health, Bermuda’s digital priorities at health board and national level, and her insights into the digital health landscape on the island. Hi […]


Interview: Ceire Costelloe and Lisa Scerri on using health data to improve cancer outcomes at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

We recently sat down to chat with Ceire Costelloe, professor of health informatics at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, and Lisa Scerri, business manager of BRIDgE (Biomedical Research Informatics Digital Environments) at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. Ceire and Lisa discussed how health data is being used to […]

Interview NHS trust NP

Interview: “You need people with broad experiences to lead digital agendas” William Monaghan, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NFT

Our latest interview features William Monaghan, executive chief digital information officer at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton (UHDB) NHS Foundation Trust. William joined us to chat about the digital projects and priorities at his trust, their emphasis on user-centred design, and his hopes for the future. Hi William, can […]


Interview: “It’s up to ICBs to prioritise community services and make the digital funding that they need available” David Williams, NHS Providers

In our latest interview, we spoke with David Williams, head of policy and strategy at NHS Providers, the membership organisation for NHS hospital, mental health, community and ambulance services that treat patients and service users in the NHS. To begin, we asked David to share a little bit about his background, […]