

Digital healthcare provider Livi rated ‘Outstanding’ by CQC

Following inspection, Livi has announce it’s become first digital healthcare provider to be rated ‘Outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), England’s independent health and adult social care regulator. Livi, which was established in 2018, enables patients to see GPs and healthcare professionals via a video through their smartphone or […]


£36 million funding for AI technologies

The Department of Health and Social Care has announced a £36 million increase in funding for AI technology-based healthcare services and products. 38 projects will be awarded funding and have been backed by NHSX and Accelerated Access Collaborative (ACC); in total 336 projects submitted applications to join the programme. Sir […]


NHS Digital Terminology Server goes live

The NHS Digital Terminology Server is now live. The platform supports data exchange between systems and integration of local coding systems with national and international coding languages, such as SNOMED-CT and FHIR. In September 2020, NHS Digital awarded a contract to Dedalus and CSIRO, the creators of Ontoserver, to implement […]