

NHSX appoints Director of Standards and Interoperability

NHSX has appointed Irina Bolychevsky as its Director of Standards and Interoperability. The role reports directly to the Chief Technology Officer, David Turner who was recently appointed to the role and will join the unit next month. The Director of Standards and Interoperability role has a salary over £100,000 and has responsibility […]


HTN volunteer and jobs service now free

HTN is pleased to announce the HTN and Leading Healthcare jobs service is now free. For years the service has supported many organisations with their recruitment activities for specialist roles and now we are offering this service for free. If you are looking for a volunteer or have a vacancy, […]


NHS Digital publishes data on COVID-19 symptoms reported

NHS Digital has published a new dashboard that shows the total number of COVID-19 symptoms reported through NHS Pathways triages through 111 and 999, and online assessments in 111 online. NHS Digital said the data is based on potential COVID-19 symptoms reported and is not a count of people, where a […]


Hancock and Johnson test positive for COVID-19

Matt Hancock in the past few minutes has announced he has tested positive for COVID-19, following a recent test. It follows today the news that Boris Johnson has also tested positive. Both said their symptoms are mild. The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care was advised to take […]


Health Tech Heroes announced

Last night there was an emotional tribute with people around the UK taking part in a “Clap for Carers” act to say thank you to the NHS and care workers dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. During the week millions have also taken to social media to say thank you and hundreds […]


Webinar Summary: Lawful and secure patient data sharing

Yesterday through a live webinar, Michael Abtar, CEO of IG Smart Ltd delivered an insightful presentation focusing on lawful and secure patient data sharing. IG Smart is a data protection and privacy consultancy with extensive experience of working with healthcare and healthcare technology clients. Their services include helping clients with GDPR, […]