
ICS News

NHSE shares specification for system co-ordination centres, including digital software requirements and metrics to be monitored

NHS England has released its System Co-ordination Centre (SCC) specification framework, building on the minimum viable product for system control centres guidance that it released at the end of 2022 and outlining the purpose, key deliverables and minimum operating requirements for SCCs to meet for winter 2023/24. In terms of […]

Global News

Bon Secours Health Systems invests €25 million for electronic healthcare record system

Bon Secours Health System (BSHS) has partnered with MEDITECH on the launch of a clinical transformation project, Bons Connect, which will see the system’s entire hospital network connected using one electronic healthcare record. Described as “the largest private hospital EPR system in Ireland”, BonsConnect will form part of Bon Secours’ wider €300 […]


Expansion of NHS online matching platform aims to connect more patients with available surgery slots

NHS England has announced an expansion to its online ‘matching’ platform to include cancer, diagnostic checks and outpatient appointments. The platform allows staff to “view and add available surgery slots in hospitals across the country, including independent sector capacity” as part of efforts to allocate patients, and has since January been […]


Leeds Teaching Hospitals seeks to engage market for its Innovation Pop-Up across seven digital areas: virtual care, network infrastructure, patient flow and more

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is looking to engage the market across seven thematic areas – clinical communications, virtual care, operations, SMART buildings, inpatient central monitoring, patient flow and network infrastructure – with a view to suppliers of digital solutions in these areas exploring the prospect of membership to the trust’s […]