GP Practice Montgomery-House Surgery in Bicester has connected its telephone system with EMIS. Steve Sharpe, Practice Manager said “We could only have eight phone calls going on at once. We could have gone to 30 through ISDN, but we would have had to pay a premium. Now, with Surgery Connect, we […]
Primary Care News
Leeds first city to fully join up with GP Connect
NHS Digital has announced that all clinicians across Leeds will be able to access patients’ previous encounters with GPs, improving the data link between the care received at primary and secondary care. The GP Connect service allows GP practices and authorised clinical staff to share and view GP records digitally […]
What does technology enhanced primary care look like? By Dr Hussain Gandhi
Written by Dr Hussain Gandhi a GP in Nottingham and owner of eGPlearning – technology-enhanced primary care and learning. Contact @egplearning or @drgandalf52 or follow on YouTube : Consumer use of technology is driving UK healthcare in the NHS to now innovate and adapt to meet the wants and needs […]
Interview Series: Jon Witte, MD, Engage Health Systems
Earlier in January Boots UK announced the acquisition of Wiggly-Amps Limited, a health technology company providing solutions that enable patients and their GPs to better manage their prescription needs. Since the acquisition the company has had a name change to Engage Health Systems and we spoke with the MD Witte to […]
Research suggests automated phone calls may help patients to take medicines correctly
Research funded by the NIHR has suggested that automated phone calls could be effective at helping patients to take their medicines as prescribed. The pilot study, funded by the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) programme and the NIHR School for Primary Care Research, looked at 17 patients with high blood pressure […]
NHS Long Term Plan: Industry Reaction Part Two
HTN asked the Health Tech Industry for their opinion and reaction to the recently published NHS Long Term Plan. Here you can find the reaction below from the second part of our series and you can read Part One by clicking here. Our contributors include: X-on, Orion Health, ReStrart Consulting, RIVIAM, Transforming […]
NW London CCGs signs Inhealthcare
The North West London Collaboration of Clinical Commissioning Groups has signed an agreement with Inhealthcare, a UK leader in digital health and remote patient monitoring. The agreement will allow professionals in the CCGs to choose from a number of digital health and care apps and also invent their own. Inhealthcare […]
NHS Long Term Plan: Industry Reaction Part One
The NHS in England has published its much anticipated Long Term Plan with a significant focus on technology. We asked industry leaders for their comment and reaction. Our contributors include: CCube Solutions, InterSystems, Allscripts, Ingenica Solutions, Draper & Dash, Isosec, DrDoctor, System C & Graphnet Care Alliance, Channel 3, FDB, Inhealthcare, […]
NHS Long Term Plan sets tech milestones
Health and care leaders have come together to develop a Long Term Plan to make the NHS fit for the future, and to get the most value for patients out of every pound of taxpayers’ investment. The plan highlights technology as being instrumental in delivering on its ambitions and aims for the […]
Boots UK acquires Wiggly-Amps
Boots UK has announced the acquisition of Wiggly-Amps Limited, a health technology company providing solutions that enable patients and their GPs to better manage their prescription needs. Boots UK the largest pharmacy-led health and beauty retailer with over 20,000 healthcare providers and over 6,500 pharmacists has acquired the company to […]