Search Results for "nhs england"


2017: the year of e-health

The potential of e-health to bring about total change to the way we plan and deliver health brings new demands for true interoperability, new leadership skills and a global search for solutions. The next 12 months will see significant innovation across health and care and with true benefits for patients. […]


New call for better engagement on health and care IT

Health and care professionals working in the UK recognise the potential of IT to improve patient safety and promote efficient care, but find it hard to learn and share best practice in healthcare IT with other organisations. Emerging from a study by HIMSS Europe, these findings show that health and […]


Summary Care Record now used in 50% of community pharmacies

A major milestone has been achieved after uptake of the Summary Care Record among community pharmacies in England reached 50%. This represents nearly 6,000 pharmacies using the functionality, which provides key clinical information about a patient, sourced from the GP record. The achievement comes only a year after NHS Digital […]

Case Study

Opinion piece: IMS MAXIMS CMO Prof. Michael Thick

Achieving service transformation: resolve the digital paradox Initiatives to accelerate innovation to the frontline are welcome, but details around funding, technology assessments and integration need ironing out to make rapid health transformation a reality, says IMS MAXIMS chief clinical information officer and chief medical officer Prof. Michael Thick. Accelerating the […]

Secondary Care

App for young onset dementia

A new resource has been developed by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust for younger people who have been diagnosed with dementia. It is a digital “app” which can be downloaded free of charge on to a mobile phone or tablet computer. It brings together up to date information, advice, and inspiration […]

Secondary Care

iMDsoft supports global digital exemplars go paperless

iMDsoft®  the clinical information systems provider is working with two of the NHS’s global digital exemplars, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS) and West Suffolk Hospital. NHS England recently announced that £100 million is to be made available for global digital exemplars. Dr. Robert Wachter, head of the advisory group […]