As ever, there’s plenty to talk about in the health tech industry, from a partnership between a digital supplier and an NHS trust providing digital emotional health and wellbeing support, to the introduction of a new app to support e-observations in a children’s hospital. Join us as we take a […]
Other News
Fuller stocktake report sets out plan to improve patient access to primary care
Dr Claire Fuller’s review into how to improve access for patients to primary care, ‘Next steps for integrating primary care: Fuller stocktake report’, has been published. The review was commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement, with an aim to review what is working well in integrated primary care, why […]
North East Innovation Lab supports study into new COVID-19 test
Researchers from Newcastle University have developed a new biosensor to detect COVID-19. The biosensor measures chemicals or biological molecules such as proteins or antibodies and has led to the development of a diagnostic test that does not require the technical equipment necessary to process the results in a lab, the […]
NHS AI Lab and HEE report on understanding healthcare workers’ confidence in AI
Health Education England and the NHS AI Lab at the NHS Transformation Directorate have released a new report that focuses on understanding healthcare workers’ confidence in artificial intelligence, and how it can inform training in this area. The report, titled ‘Understanding healthcare workers’ confidence in AI’, provides a framework for […]
Barts Health and Redbridge University Hospitals publishes operational plan to align digital and support functions
Barts Health NHS Trust has published their Group Operational Plan for 2022 – 2023, setting out their vision, objectives and some of the ways in which they plan to achieve them. One area of focus of the plan highlights that the trust will align some of its functions with Redbridge University […]
Video: Cheshire & Merseyside ICS on developing an outcome-focused ICS strategy
Representatives from the Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System (ICS) joined us for our one-day HTN Now event, focusing on developing digital ICSs, where they led a session discussing the approach they are taking to ensure that their digital and data strategy is intelligence-led, outcome-focused, auditable, and informed by the […]
Newcastle Hospitals signs contract for 60 digital health tools
NHS-owned digital health company Health Call has renewed its partnership to supply digital tools for North East and North Cumbria ICS, securing its biggest contract to date. The company works with healthcare professionals to develop digital health expertise and resources, and will now support Newcastle Hospitals and other trusts in the […]
Phillips Ives Nursing & Midwifery Review launches
This week HTN attended the launch of The Phillips Ives Nursing & Midwifery Review, which will explore the digital readiness of the nursing and midwifery workforce and prepare them to deliver the digital future. The review is set to determine the needs of the workforce in delivering this during the […]
Video: Blueprints to support digital ICSs
In our final session of HTN Digital ICS, we focused on blueprints for supporting integrated care systems (ICSs) and heard from a panel of experts who have supported the development of blueprints and who have used them. The session was hosted by Paul Charnley, Co-Chair of the Blueprinting Steering Group, […]
Draft social care digital skills framework and training resources published
Digital Social Care, part of NHS Digital, has published a draft framework to provide structure for learning and development in digital skills, as part of the Digitising Social Care programme. The framework was developed in response to a recommendation from the Technology and Digital Skills Review, with support from Skills for […]