Tag: Data


Teesside University develops AI agent to support pain management

A team from Teesside University’s School of Health and Life Sciences is collaborating with American technology company Storyfile and pain champion Pete Moore on a project to help people manage persistent pain. Pete, who lives with persistent pain, asthma and osteoarthritis himself, took part in a pain management programme in […]


Northern Ireland publishes new COVID-19 vaccination data dashboard

A new COVID-19 vaccination dashboard, which charts the progress of Northern Ireland’s roll-out, went live this week. Northern Ireland’s Department of Health says the platform is the ‘first step’ in plans to publish detailed vaccination data on a daily basis. Work on the dashboard’s infrastructure will continue, with the aim […]

Innovation News

UK Gov updates good practice guide for digital health tech

The Department of Health and Social Care has updated its guidance on ‘good practice for digital and data-driven technologies’, with ‘strengthened and expanded’ practical advice. As of 6 January 2021, the government has published its latest code of conduct to support ‘innovators’ in the digital healthcare technology sector. The advice […]