Tag: Data4

Insight NHS trust

Legacy information systems: approaches from across the NHS

As part of this week’s focus on legacy information systems, we’re exploring views from NHS professionals on their organisation’s approach. Mark Chester, assistant director of digital services at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust, said: “All organisations face challenges with legacy systems and what happens to the […]

News NHS trust

Re-wiring hospitals, data-sharing and remote monitoring feature in strategy from University Hospitals of Leicester

The latest strategy from University Hospitals of Leicester (UHL) NHS Trust lists digital and data as enablers of success with a “new continuous improvement approach” planned to drive large-scale transformation, underpinned by programmes including digital and technology. UHL notes the “positive impact” that digital can have in people’s daily lives […]

ICS News

2024-2030 strategy from Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Board focuses on data-driven decision-making

A new health and wellbeing strategy spanning 2024-2030 has been published by Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Board, highlighting digital and data as key enablers and pledging to “improve the extent, quality, and accessibility of digital infrastructure and more effectively generate insight from data to inform decision making.” The partnership initiative […]