Tag: HTNNow


HTN Now: Apira on approaches for deploying a mental health EPR

At HTN Now, we were joined by Apira’s founding director Geoff Broome and managing director Alan Brown for a discussion on the deployment of mental health electronic patient records, with particular focus on the choice between two key approaches: ‘get it right first time’ (GIRFT) or ‘land and expand’. Apira […]


HTN Now: NHSE Blueprinting Team and Derbyshire Community Health Services on electronic job planning and rostering

At HTN Now, we welcomed the NHS England Blueprinting Team and Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust, to talk about optimising their electronic roster and implementing electronic job planning. We were joined by Paul Charnley, digital lead at Healthy Wirral partners and chair of the Digital Blueprinting Programme; Greg […]


HTN Now: Generated Health and University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS on using intelligent messaging for heart failure

For HTN Now, we were joined by Generated Health’s chief medical officer Dr Jonathan Serjeant and Sean Davies, directorate manager of cardiology at University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, for a discussion on the trust’s use of intelligent health messaging for patients diagnosed with heart failure. In particular, the […]


“It’s so important that training and change work together” Ideal on EPR training and reducing the productivity slump at go-live

At HTN Now, we were joined by Ideal Health’s director of training and change, Nick Robertson, to discuss reducing the productivity slump at go-live; planning an EPR training rollout; and embracing learning as a continuous journey. Understanding the challenges of training deployment “Let’s start with the end in mind,” Nick […]

Now Primary Care News

Digital primary care panel: “Getting the basics right and keeping it simple are the underpinning principles”

For our recent panel discussion on digital primary care, we were joined by Nikki Mallinder (director of primary care at Surrey Heartlands ICS); Dr Paul Wright, (GP, deputy clinical director/IT clinical lead at NHS Greater Manchester and CCIO at Manchester and Trafford Local Care Organisation); Jamie Innes (product director at Inhealthcare); […]

ICS News Now

Panel: taking a data-driven approach to operational improvements, day-to-day management, and proactive care

For our latest thought leadership webinar, we welcomed a panel of experts for a discussion on taking a data-driven approach to operational improvements, day-to-day management, and proactive care. To bring a variety of expert insights and viewpoints to the discussion, we were joined by Stephen Slough, chief digital information officer at […]