Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has opened an opportunity to procure a patient engagement portal. Through an opportunity notice, the trust highlights plans to contract a “digital person held record that can be shared” and “will take or exchange data from the patient portal with EPR through bi-directional […]
Tag: Patient
Deep dive: what does ‘good’ look like in digital primary care?
What does “good” look like in digital primary care? Join us as we take a deep dive into digital primary care, exploring examples of best practice, challenges and how they could be tackled, and industry viewpoints on what ‘good’ looks like. We’ll take a look at some of the latest […]
HTN Now: “If we do focus on it, we can make a difference” Generated Health on hypertension management and their intelligent messaging platform Florence
At HTN Now we were joined by Generated Health’s chief medical officer Dr Jonathan Serjeant and commercial director John Griffiths. Jonathan and John discussed the ways that digital is changing the realities of care for patients with hypertension, along with providing an overview of Florence, Generated Health’s intelligent messaging platform, […]
Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel and Dr Penny Kechagioglou launch integrative oncology app
Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel, an integrative medicine physician and Dr Penny Kechagioglou, consultant clinical oncologist, have launched an integrative oncology app and website, which is free at the point of use for all adult cancer patients globally. The Oncio App – Integrative Oncology in action – is a free app available to […]
£10 million digital health check market engagement launches
A market engagement exercise has launched for the new Digital NHS Health Check service announced by the government last week. The DHSC is looking to develop a digital version of the NHS Health Check, to provide users with more choice about where and when to have a check. It aims […]
Patient-facing tech: exploring the NHS App, electronic comms and remote monitoring
In our latest feature we cover some of the recent developments in patient-facing tech, and how they are impacting service delivery, patient engagement, patient-provider relationships and equitable access in the realms of health and care. Earlier this month at London Tech Week, Lord Markham shared planned updates for the NHS […]
NHS Confed reveals results of survey on patient attitudes toward health tech
The NHS Confederation has announced findings from commissioned research undertaken by Ipsos on public attitudes toward health technologies. One of the main findings from this research is that the majority of people “would use health technology if it meant they could avoid going into hospital”, with 72 percent responding that […]
Apple announces new mental health features in recent IOS update
Apple has launched new health features which will expand their scope of health technology, introducing mental health features such as an emotion and daily mood tracker, as well as features around vision health. Introduced through iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10, the new mental health features will allow users to […]
Northern Ireland launches My Waiting Times website
The Northern Ireland Department of Health has announced an initiative to centralise and improve information available to patients, with the launch of My Waiting Times NI. The website will provide patients with the average waiting times for a first outpatient hospital appointment, across health and social care trusts and the […]
NHS App to provide patients choice between providers at GP referral
NHS England has announced that patients will be offered a shortlist of at least five care providers to choose from through the NHS app, when they are referred by a GP. The move aims to provide patients with more choice and control over their own care, providing a patient with providers […]