Tag: workforce

News NHS trust

NHS Medway clinical strategy highlights digital and data plans including frailty virtual ward and electronic pharmacy systems

Medway NHS Foundation Trust has published its clinical strategy for 2024 – 2027, mapping future clinical services and defining how the trust intends to “advance and innovate to provide the best possible healthcare services” for residents, including utilising digitally enabled care, AI in diagnostics and tech to support clinical pathways. […]


NHSE on developing an infrastructure strategy highlights need to support “modern, digitally enabled patient care pathways”

NHS England has published guidance for integrated care systems on developing a 10-year infrastructure strategy, stating that a “a fit for purpose estate” supports the delivery of “modern, digitally enabled patient care pathways”. The guidance highlights areas of focus for effective infrastructure planning as well as key considerations for ICSs, with […]

News NHS trust

Pilot scheme trials VR training for medical students at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals

A pilot scheme at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals (DBTH) has trialled the use of VR training for medical students, using a computer-generated scenario in which participants can virtually interact with patients, administer tests, ask patients questions, interact with other medical professionals, diagnose and provide medication. The VR pilot makes […]