Author: Amy Archer-Williams

Feature Content

Featured interview: Stefan Chetty of Restore Records Management on the benefits of digitisation and wider management of records

We recently sat down with Stefan Chetty, public sector director of Restore Records Management, for a chat on how the digitisation and wider management of patient records can support patient outcomes as well as freeing up space, time and money. Restore Records Management: the offering Stefan explained that Restore Records […]


NHSE on developing an infrastructure strategy highlights need to support “modern, digitally enabled patient care pathways”

NHS England has published guidance for integrated care systems on developing a 10-year infrastructure strategy, stating that a “a fit for purpose estate” supports the delivery of “modern, digitally enabled patient care pathways”. The guidance highlights areas of focus for effective infrastructure planning as well as key considerations for ICSs, with […]


NHSE priorities and operational guidance for 2024/25 emphasises need for “strong digital foundations”

NHS England has released priorities and operational planning guidance for 2024/25, with “strong digital foundations” highlighted as “essential for transformation, supporting access, quality and productivity”. Regarding the technology investment announced in the spring budget, NHSE states that “robust plans” will be developed in collaboration with systems, and adds that measurement […]