Author: Amy Archer-Williams

Global Now

“If we are always successful then I’d argue we’re not being innovative at all”: panel discussion on international digital healthcare development

This week we held our first international webinar since launching our sister site HTN International, where we were joined by a panel of health tech experts to discuss current digital capabilities, projects, and priorities from country contexts including Spain, Bermuda, and the UK. We welcomed Keltie Jamieson, chief health information […]

Global Interview NP

Interview: “The impact starts with small transformations” Inderpal Kohli, VP and CIO at Englewood Hospital, New Jersey

Over on our sister site HTN International, we shared our interview with Inderpal Kohli, vice president and chief information officer at Englewood Hospital, New Jersey, to hear his insights on digital transformation, projects, priorities and challenges in the digital health space. Inderpal introduced himself by explaining how his career has been […]


Digital Health and Care Wales to move to cloud pathology platform

Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) is to implement InterSystems’ health information system and electronic medical record TrakCare Lab Enterprise as a fully hosted and managed platform across nine health boards, 13 hospitals and 23 laboratories in Wales, with the aim of improving efficiencies in pathology services and streamlining patient […]


Scotland’s Genomic Medicine Strategy 2024-2029 highlights need for “secure, scalable digital infrastructure”

The Scottish Government has published Scotland’s Genomic Medicine Strategy 2024-2029, highlighting plans to develop a genomic medicine service “based on the principles of person-centred care” and better enabling the use of genomic information to support disease prevention and early detection, along with the need for national digital infrastructure. A number of […]