Author: Amy Archer-Williams


Special report: news and research on artificial intelligence

Next up in our special report series, we’re looking at all things AI. Artificial intelligence is currently at the forefront of health tech news. Since the new year, we’ve seen a wealth of stories hit the headlines, from Google Research and DeepMind researchers publishing an evaluation of an AI application […]


Join us at HTN Data and Artificial Intelligence today

It’s time for our next HTN Now event – through live webinars, written pieces and our Let’s Talk podcast, we’ll be sharing a range of experiences, thought leadership and views on data and AI. Tickets are free; register for yours here. To begin, we’re starting the day with the latest […]

Feature Content

North West Surrey Integrated Care Services on transforming organisational learning to improve outcomes

North West Surrey Integrated Care Services (NICS) recently partnered with Radar Healthcare, resulting in a fully-developed governance solution to help them truly understand and use their data, as well as complete oversight of all NICS services. In this feature, Radar Healthcare interviews Marion Shipman, Head of Quality and Governance at […]


Mid and South Essex ICS digital plans and strategy in focus

Mid and South Essex Health and Care Partnership has published its digital strategy entitled ‘Setting the North Star: our shared direction for digital services’. “As an ICS we are committed to taking a ‘digital-first’ approach and to realising the benefits that data and digital technology can deliver for our residents,” […]

ICS News

NHSE case studies focus on partnerships and innovation across ICSs

NHS England has shared a series of case studies, co-developed between the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) and partners, on the implementation approaches of local integrated care systems to promote the adoption and expansion of successful innovation strategies. The studies explore the various ways in which ICSs can facilitate innovation through […]

Interview NP

Interview: Lisa Emery, Chief Transformation, Innovation and Digital Officer at NHS Sussex, on their five-year plan and digital priorities

For our latest interview, we spoke to Lisa Emery from NHS Sussex. Lisa chatted to us about NHS Sussex’s five-year plan, Improving Lives Together, achievements in digital and data, and hopes for the future. Hi Lisa, tell us about your role and your background I’m the Chief Transformation, Innovation and […]