Author: Amy Archer-Williams


Teesside University develops AI agent to support pain management

A team from Teesside University’s School of Health and Life Sciences is collaborating with American technology company Storyfile and pain champion Pete Moore on a project to help people manage persistent pain. Pete, who lives with persistent pain, asthma and osteoarthritis himself, took part in a pain management programme in […]


Interview: Jaki Taylor, Nikki Turner and Alexis Farrow on women in technology and digital leadership

Following on from our HTN Festival, which explored different topics across the world of digital healthcare, we were joined by Jaki Taylor (Director of Nottinghamshire Health Informatics Service), Nikki Turner (Interim Director for Digital Services at Nottinghamshire University Hospitals NHS Trust) and Alexis Farrow (Digital Programme Director for Nottingham and […]


NHS England publishes 2022-2023 business plan with focus on digital

NHS England has published its business plan for 2022-2023, setting out their work in responding to pandemic challenges, transforming delivery of health and care through collaborative system working, and using data and digital technologies. To begin, the business plan outlines ten key areas in which improvements will be delivered. Digital will […]