By Highland Marketing The NHS is looking for a new chief information officer, and the Highland Marketing advisory board has been considering what should be on his or her ‘to do’ list. Following the merger of NHSX and NHS Digital with the NHS England transformation directorate, and the departure of […]
Author: HTN
BT launches virtual ward programme
BT has announced the launch of a new virtual wards programme which will see them partner with health tech specialists offering solutions for virtual wards and virtual care. A range of suppliers will be partnering with BT, from suppliers of smart devices that monitor health conditions such as COPD and heart […]
Paediatric inpatient documents to go digital in Wales
The Welsh Nursing Care Record (WNCR) is set to include inpatient paediatric notes as part of its third phase. Following the launch of the WNCR in April 2021, children’s documentation is to go digital with £1.8m funding support from the Welsh Government’s Digital Priorities Investment Fund. Phase one and two of the […]
PRSB’s diabetes record information standard awarded ‘mandatory’ status
The Data Alliance Partnership Board has approved a new diabetes record information standard, recommended by The Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB). PRSB was tasked by NHS England to develop a standard information requirement specification, to ensure health and care teams have the information to advise and support a person with diabetes […]
£19 million awarded to develop NHS Spine platform
NHS England has awarded a £19 million contract to Aire Logic Limited, to develop an open platform for NHS Spine services. Through a four-year deal, the supplier will establish a “new, more open platform” that includes migrating existing services of the current NHS Spine platform. The programme will see the […]
NHS England announces investment to accelerate patient portals, with implementation target set
NHS England has announced a national expectation that all non-specialist acute trusts establish a patient portal in 2023/24, a letter to regional directors notes. NHS England’s chief operating officer, Sir David Sloman, and national director for digital channels, Joe Harrison, have sent a letter to NHS directors to confirm additional investment […]
NHS Grampian launches innovation initiative
NHS Grampian and InnoScot Health have launched an initiative to encourage innovative ideas from staff. Through an innovation competition for NHS Grampian staff, the health board aims to inspire its workforce to submit their ideas to improve patient care. The competition hopes to “stimulate innovative thinking and problem solving while laying a platform […]
News in brief: digital prehabilitation service, data quality team recruitment in Doncaster, remote monitoring for cancer patients and more
As usual, over the past days there have been many exciting new stories in the health tech community. In this article, we explore some of the main stories from across the country that caught our attention. Digital prehabilitation for head and neck cancer patients A new pilot project offering digital prehabilitation […]
Researchers develop speech analysis app to diagnose depression
Specialists from Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and Semmelweis University are developing an app based on speech analysis, designed to help diagnose depression. The AI-based technology is hoped to speed up screening for the disorder, and is currently functional, however it requires further testing before launching the developers […]
West London NHS highlights innovation and population health management in five-year strategy
North West London NHS Trust has published its five-year strategy this month, developed to respond to the changing needs of its local community, with a “major focus on tackling local health inequalities”. It sets out five strategic priorities, to focus on collaboration and system leadership; population health, inequalities and co-production; […]