CEOs and board members will be held increasingly responsible for preventable mortality and harm in hospitals. Harness Ai to help make sure your hospital is safe… & then use it to prove that it is. By Dr Mark Ratnarajah, Managing Director (UK), C2-Ai – providing unique risk-adjusted systems for individualised patient risk […]
Author: HTN
Health Tech Trends Survey: Artificial Intelligence
In the latest report from our HTN Health Tech Trends Series sponsored by InterSystems, we asked NHS professionals about artificial intelligence. Since March 2019, we surveyed health care professionals to understand more about artificial intelligence to support health care delivery. In this article we highlight some of the responses. When asked […]
New algorithm at UHB supports prescribing
A new algorithm developed by staff at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) is automatically providing the correct doses for doctors to treat a patient after an overdose. The trust said the electronic prescription tool has reduced the number of errors when prescribing a drug for paracetamol overdoses to […]
Alder Hey leads study for early warning system for children
Alder Hey is leading on a new study called DETECT (Dynamic Electronic Tracking and Escalation) to reduce critical care transfers and to record vital signs. The study has received £1.25m in funding from the National Institute for Health Research Invention for Innovation Programme (NIHR i4i) and involves The University of Liverpool, Edge […]
Former NHS Manager raises £9.1m
A former NHS Manager who co-founded Visionable a video collaboration platform has raised £9.1m in funding. The technology provides clinicians, paramedics and healthcare professionals with secure video conferencing designed for sharing clinical information and imaging. The new investment values the company at £47.6m and the raise was led by West Hill […]
#HealthTechToShoutAbout: My Medical Record, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Last month University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust were crowned the winner of #HealthTechToShoutAbout in the HTN Awards 2019. Every entry into the innovative health tech awards were also entered into the #HealthTechToShoutAbout category sponsored by Highland Marketing. The entries went through a second rigours judging process, led by industry veteran Jeremy Nettle. […]
Interview Series: Dr Ola Spencer, Group Head of IT, Data Protection Officer, Optegra UK
In our latest interview we asked Dr Ola Spencer, Group Head of IT from Optegra a few questions about the organisation’s data driven transformation strategy and how they have used data to drive change. Could you tell me a bit about yourself and Optegra? My background is medical, I began […]
First Databank analysis reveals wide variance in safety indicator drug monitoring
New analysis of drug prescribing patterns across England from First Databank has highlighted a wide variance in monitoring tests being undertaken. The company is calling for GP practices to standardise routine drug therapeutic monitoring, after new data revealed a significant variance in compliance across key safety indicators both for high risk prescriptions […]
HTN 100: ActNow launched by NHSE, KLAS Research success for InterSystems, NHS App hits one million and Graphnet hires new Customer Director
ActNow, an e-learning tool launched by NHS England and Health Education England NHS England and Health Education England have today launched ActNow, an e-learning tool developed for health service and care staff to help them reduce hospital delays for patients. The new resources aim to help staff take prompt practical […]
The Executive Patient Flow Summit – key themes and outcomes
What has now become one of the most exclusive annual healthcare planning calendar dates, The Draper & Dash hosted Executive Patient Flow Summit is indeed a work of art, led by its charismatic and straight-talking CEO and former NHS executive – Orlando Agrippa and his care-oriented team. The summit gathers […]