
Global News

Amazon expands AWS HealthImaging service for medical data at scale

Amazon has announced the general availability of its AWS HealthImaging service, designed to help providers build cloud-native applications to store, analyse and share medical imaging data at petabyte-scale. The service is said to enable all of an organisation’s medical imaging applications access to “a single authoritative copy of data without duplication” […]

Global News

Bon Secours Health Systems invests €25 million for electronic healthcare record system

Bon Secours Health System (BSHS) has partnered with MEDITECH on the launch of a clinical transformation project, Bons Connect, which will see the system’s entire hospital network connected using one electronic healthcare record. Described as “the largest private hospital EPR system in Ireland”, BonsConnect will form part of Bon Secours’ wider €300 […]

Global News

Peterson Center on Healthcare launches $50 million institute to evaluate digital health technologies

The Peterson Center on Healthcare, a non-profit organisation to transform U.S. healthcare, has launched a $50 million institute to evaluate digital health technologies. Peterson Health Technology Institute (PHTI) aims to provide independent evaluations of innovative healthcare technologies to improve health and lower costs, as well to deliver evidence-based assessments that […]

Global Insight News

Study highlights value of health literacy interventions

A research study published in Sage Digital Health journal aimed to deliver an intervention to improve health awareness for infection prevention, hygiene, and sanitation to assess its impact, and identify the risk of multimorbidity in women of reproductive years from low socio-economic background. The digital health intervention in Pakistan demonstrated the value […]