NHS England has published a new resource entitled ‘Ensuring new technology provides primary care access for all’, in which they examine the case study of Swan Medical Practice in Birmingham, where an AccuRx online consultation system was introduced in November 2020 in order to manage triage and develop more efficient […]
Primary Care News
Eight suppliers announced on new GP clinical systems framework
Eight suppliers have joined NHS Digital’s Tech Innovation Framework, designed to increase innovation and choice of GP IT core clinical systems in primary care. The new commercial framework aims to support the adoption of new GP core systems that have been designed and built in line with new standards and […]
One Care releases IIF tracking dashboard for primary care networks
One Care, a GP federation in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG), has developed a new dashboard to help general practice monitor progress against national targets from the Investment and Impact Fund (IIF). Covering 70 GP practices, One Care has launched the dashboard to measure PCN performance against a […]
NHS England instruct suppliers to pause plans for Citizens’ Access programme
NHS England has published an update on the Citizens’ Access programme, intended to provide patients with automatic access to their digital medical records, including new entries made to the GP record. The latest go-live date for the programme was 1 November 2022, however NHSE has stated that they recognise that […]
Primary care automation pilots announced
A series of health tech projects have been announced through the London Digital First Primary Care Automation Grant programme. Announced by the Health Innovation Network, and supported by NHS England, each project will receive up to £65,000 to pilot automation solutions that support primary care. 11 projects are to receive funding, with projects […]
Royal College of General Practitioners releases statement on patient access to records
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has released a statement on patients’ access to their records. The statement notes that the RCGP has been “engaging closely with NHS England” over the plans to grant patients automatic access to their prospective records from 1 November 2022 and states, “The College […]
GP practices across South East Hampshire introduce SurgeryPods
A new technology called SurgeryPod has been introduced by GP practices across South East Hampshire to support patients, without clinical supervision or having to make an appointment, perform their own health checks. Supplied by Microtech Health, SurgeryPod helps to document patient data and take readings and measurements such as blood pressure, weight, pulse […]
Cambric launches image transfer tech for GP practices
Cambric Systems, a supplier of healthcare patient data software, has launched a solution to support GPs in sharing clinical images when referring patients to specialist services. Intended to be used by GP practices and clinics, the company is introducing the tech to support the transfer of clinical images, whether a […]
NHS England publish supporting GPs this winter plan with focus on data and digital
NHS England has outlined plans and actions to support general practice and primary care networks this winter. A letter from Dr Amanda Doyle, National Director, Primary Care and Community Services, sent to GP practices and primary care networks, highlights a series of actions to increase capacity outside of acute trusts, […]
Dr Nicole Atkinson on Nottingham ICS, digital primary care and more
Welcome back to our podcast HTN Let’s Talk! In this episode we interview Dr Nicole Atkinson, the South Notts Place Clinical Lead and NHS Confederation Primary Care Medical Advisor and GP. We talk about her role and career in healthcare, Nottingham ICS, digital primary care and much more. To start […]