Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICS has announced plans to go live with an electronic integrated care record system in summer 2021. The ICS, working with local NHS organisations, councils and system suppliers, has launched a programme called ‘One Health and Care record’, to connect healthcare providers with patient records. Health and social […]
Primary Care News
NHS England and HEE call for staff input to shape digital training in primary care
NHS England and Improvement and Health Education England (HEE) are asking GP practice staff to take part in research and provide their views and opinions on digital services in primary care. The NHS and HEE are collaborating with Nightingale Design Research – a Nottingham-based research consultancy – to find out […]
NHS Digital releases new electronic notification specification for suppliers
A new technical specification for suppliers has been released by NHS Digital – allowing the development and implementation of an electronic notification from Community Pharmacy to GP practices. This means – as just one example of use – that when a patient has had a minor illness consultation, as part […]
Barts Health reports rise in e-referral advice and guidance function
Barts Health NHS Trust has reported a rise in the number of GPs using the advice and guidance (A&G) service, through the NHS e-Referral Service. The service, which supports clinicians to seek advice from each other, has grown to 2,300 requests in one month – an increase of almost 200% […]
Health Tech Trends Series 2021: Digital maturity satisfaction in focus
For our HTN Health Tech Trends Series 2021, supported by InterSystems, we sent out a survey to you – our audience – asking readers to respond to a series of questions around digital maturity satisfaction levels, the best technology your organisations have adopted and how close you are to working […]
Sunderland City Council connects to Great North Care Record
Sunderland City Council is the first local authority in the North East and North Cumbria area to connect to the health information exchange across the region. 400 GP practices, five NHS trusts and the North East Ambulance Service are connected to the system, with Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust being […]
HEE launches e-learning to support video group clinics in primary care
Health Education England (HEE) has partnered with Redmoor Health, ELC Programmes, e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) and NHS England and Improvement to launch e-learning tools and sessions for video group clinics in primary and community care settings. The video group clinics (VGC) e-learning programme provides resources that support learners in understanding […]
Remote patient monitoring connects care homes with family doctors in NE London
A remote patient monitoring service is set to be implemented in care homes across north east London, to connect facilities with family doctors. The remote service – called the Inhealthcare Professional app – will support clinicians in identifying patients that may need interventions, while also keeping residents safely at home […]
Mapping tool introduced by NHS South, Central and West CSU for home visits
NHS South, Central and West CSU (SCW) has introduced new mapping and modelling techniques to support housebound patient visits for GPs and nurses in Somerset. The tool went live on 4 February 2021 to help reach as many patients in a day, in the least number of journeys. The CSU […]
NHS Digital announces improvements to e-Referral Service
NHS Digital has made improvements to the advice function on its NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS), following feedback from clinicians. These changes focus on providing primary care clinicians with ‘an effective tool’ to talk to staff in secondary care settings before making a referral, thereby improving the referral system for patients […]