Other News


NHSX market engagement opens for dental services tech

NHSX has opened a market engagement exercise to develop an understanding of the possible solutions available to dental services. The information gathering process, in the form of a questionnaire, is seeking to understand the current maturity of suppliers in the market and the ability to meet the digital capabilities of NHSX’s […]


Bowel Cancer UK launches text support service for patients

Bowel Cancer UK, has partnered with a text message micro-learning platform called GoodCourse, to develop a mobile phone text based support programme for patients. Focused on people who have recently been diagnosed with bowel cancer, it’s believed the platform would be the first text message support service of its kind […]


Oracle acquires Cerner for $28.3 billion

Oracle Corporation, an enterprise software giant, has announced the acquisition of Cerner through an all-cash offer for $95.00 per share, approximately $28.3 billion in equity value. The duo made the joint announcement today, with the transaction expected to close in 2022. In the press announcement, Oracle said the deal will […]