Other News


New app launched to support Functional Neurological Disorder

A new app, myFND, has been launched to support people with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) to understand and manage their symptoms. Supported by St George’s Hospital Charity and St George’s NHS FT, the app has been launched by Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, Dr Chris Symeon. FND, or Functional Neurological Disorder, is a condition […]


Government releases significant COVID data sharing contracts

On the 5th June, the government released its data sharing contracts with private tech firms, Amazon, Microsoft, Google as well as AI firms Faculty and Palantir.  The contracts were released to openDemocracy and tech justice firm Foxglove and reveal details of the transfer of personal health information of NHS users to the aforementioned tech […]


Shared care record deployed across Greater Manchester

The GM Care Record, using technology from Graphnet, has been deployed across Greater Manchester as part of the region’s COVID-19 response. It means health and care data can be shared and healthcare professionals can have vital, instant access to the records of 2.8 million citizens. The deployment was accelerated in […]