Tag: EPR

Secondary Care

The Royal Marsden goes live with EPR

The Royal Marsden NHS FT has gone live with Connect, its electronic patient record. Described as “the largest and most important digital transformation programme in The Royal Marsden’s history”, the Epic electronic health record went live at 4:00pm, 17 March. The trust also introduced a patient app and website called MyMarsden. […]


EPR expansion for Black Country Healthcare

Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has expanded its electronic patient record programme through a £4.1 million investment in additional capabilities. The trust went live with its electronic patient record (EPR) system in 2019, as part of a 10-year deal to digitise its mental health, children young people and families and […]

Secondary Care

Royal Marsden counts down to EHR launch

The Royal Marsden NHS FT has started to count down to the launch of Connect, its new electronic health record. Described as “the largest and most important digital transformation programme in The Royal Marsden’s history”, Epic will be introduced across the trust in March 2023. This month has seen the […]