The Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities have published their digital health and care strategy delivery plan for 2023-24, setting out core aims to give citizens better control over and access to their data; to help staff to record and share information across the system; and to […]
Tag: workforce
NHSE shares specification for system co-ordination centres, including digital software requirements and metrics to be monitored
NHS England has released its System Co-ordination Centre (SCC) specification framework, building on the minimum viable product for system control centres guidance that it released at the end of 2022 and outlining the purpose, key deliverables and minimum operating requirements for SCCs to meet for winter 2023/24. In terms of […]
Digital primary care panel: “Getting the basics right and keeping it simple are the underpinning principles”
For our recent panel discussion on digital primary care, we were joined by Nikki Mallinder (director of primary care at Surrey Heartlands ICS); Dr Paul Wright, (GP, deputy clinical director/IT clinical lead at NHS Greater Manchester and CCIO at Manchester and Trafford Local Care Organisation); Jamie Innes (product director at Inhealthcare); […]
Seven digital priorities in West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership’s joint forward plan
West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership has shared their Joint Forward Plan, highlighting the role of digital as a “key enabler” in supporting delivery, proposing seven digital priorities across the ICS, and outlining the uses of digital in promoting innovation across the region. The first digital priority emphasises the need […]
Welsh patient administration system linked up across North Wales
A programme of work to link up separate versions of the Welsh Patient Administration System (WelshPAS) in North Wales has been completed, bringing all areas of the Betsi Cadwaladr University (BCU) Health Board together under one single system. The WelshPAS is “the largest IT system in NHS Wales and manages […]
Elective recovery implementation plan shares actions around Digital Mutual Aid System, NHS Digital Staff Passport and more
Following the establishment of the elective recovery taskforce – designed to “maximise all capacity available to us” by bringing together voices from across healthcare – the government has published an implementation plan which places focus in key areas, including empowering patients to exercise their right of choice and enabling longer-term […]
NHS England highlights virtual wards, primary care access and command centres in winter resilience plans
NHS England’s winter resilient system roles and responsibilities plan has highlighted integrated care boards to maintain 24/7 oversight through a system co-ordination centre, the role for digital in supporting primary care access, and a target for virtual wards to maintain 80 percent occupancy rates over the winter period. Following the ‘high impact interventions’ shared […]
Deep dive: digital transformation and change in Derbyshire, Northamptonshire and Sussex
Let’s take a look at the role that digital transformation and change take in three recently released strategies from integrated care systems. We’ll explore key areas of focus in the integrated care strategy from Derby and Derbyshire ICS along with Northamptonshire ICS’s five-year forward plan, both released last month, along […]
24 per cent of integrated care boards have a digital leader at board level
As part of our ongoing Health Tech Trends Series, we looked into the number of integrated care boards with a digital leader on their board of directors. Using desktop research methodology, we found that amongst the 42 boards, 10 had a designated digital leader on their board of directors – […]
Identifying, signposting and co-designing: NHS England on digital inclusion in general practice
NHS England has published guidance on supporting digital inclusion in general practice, designed for healthcare staff and “anyone else who is seeking to reduce digital exclusion in general practice”. The guidance is based on examples of good practice shared from primary care organisations and VCSEs across the country. The NHS […]